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Spinal health and rehabilitation

1-1 Master Class

  • 1 h
  • 555 South African rand
  • Northoaks Private estate

Service Description

The body's myofascia works together as one system to bring balance and integrity to the structure and function of the body. When restricted along any of the lines, compensation patterns create pain and dysfunction. Learning to move well and without pain requires proper form and skill development. By addressing unconscious patterns and mastering the foundational movements we can begin creating a mobile and strong body, developing through the required stages of mobility, flexibility, stability and strength. Maintaining spinal health and engaging in rehabilitation can offer several benefits for individuals. Here are some key advantages: Pain Relief: training aims to alleviate pain associated with various conditions, such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or musculoskeletal injuries. Through targeted exercises and therapies, it aims to reduce pain and discomfort in the spine and surrounding structures. Improved Mobility and Flexibility: Rehabilitation exercises for the spine focus on improving mobility and flexibility. These exercises can help increase the range of motion in the spine, reducing stiffness and enhancing overall mobility. Increased Strength and Stability: Rehabilitation includes exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the spine, including the core, back, and surrounding musculature. Strengthening these muscles can improve spinal stability, reduce the risk of injuries, and enhance overall functional strength. Postural Correction: Spinal rehabilitation addresses postural imbalances and encourages proper alignment. By targeting muscles that contribute to good posture, rehabilitation programs can help correct imbalances, reduce strain on the spine, and improve overall postural alignment. Improved Balance and Coordination: training involves exercises that enhance balance and coordination. By targeting the muscles that support the spine and improving proprioception, individuals can enhance their ability to maintain balance and coordinate movements effectively. Prevention of Future Injuries: Training can help prevent future injuries by strengthening the spine and supporting structures. By improving spinal stability, flexibility, and muscle strength, individuals can reduce the risk of future back or neck injuries. Improved Quality of Life: By reducing pain, enhancing mobility, and increasing functionality, spinal health and rehabilitation can significantly improve an individual's quality of life.

Cancellation Policy

If you are a NEW CLIENT, please complete the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire prior to your session: To cancel or reschedule, please contact 24 hrs in advance, otherwise you will be charged for that session. Packages are valid for a specified number of weeks. All sessions are to be completed within the timeframe. Packages may be placed on hold subject to agreement.

Contact Details

  • Northoaks Ave, Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa

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