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Taiji in depth

  • 1 h
  • 555 South African rand
  • Northoaks Private estate

Service Description

Taiji is a Chinese martial art that combines slow, flowing movements with deep breathing and mental focus. It is often practiced for its health benefits and has been shown to offer a range of advantages for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are some key benefits Improved Balance and Stability: Taiji emphasizes weight shifting, postural alignment, and controlled movements, which can enhance balance and stability. Regular practice improves overall proprioception and coordination. Increased Strength and Flexibility: Despite its gentle appearance, Taiji is a weight-bearing exercise that involves engaging muscles throughout the body. The slow and controlled movements promote strength development, particularly in the legs, core, and upper body. Additionally, the continuous flow of movements helps improve flexibility and range of motion. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: The meditative aspects of Taiji , combined with its gentle and fluid movements, promote relaxation and help reduce stress. It encourages deep, diaphragmatic breathing, triggers the relaxation response, and cultivates a state of mindfulness and calmness. Mental Clarity and Cognitive Function: Taiji involves focused attention, mindfulness, and coordination of movement patterns. Studies suggest that practicing Tai Chi can enhance cognitive function, including attention, memory, and executive function. It may also help reduce the risk of cognitive decline and improve overall mental clarity. Improved Posture and Body Alignment: Taiji emphasizes proper body alignment, posture, and core engagement. Regular practice can help improve posture, alleviate musculoskeletal imbalances, and reduce tension or discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and back. Better Sleep Quality: The relaxation and mind-body integration promoted by Taiji can contribute to improved sleep quality. It can help reduce insomnia, ease sleep disturbances. Self-Awareness and Mind-Body Connection: Taiji cultivates a deep sense of self-awareness and mindfulness. By focusing on the present moment, breath, and movement, practitioners develop a stronger mind-body connection and a heightened sense of overall well-being.

Cancellation Policy

If you are a NEW CLIENT, please complete the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire prior to your session: To cancel or reschedule, please contact 24 hrs in advance, otherwise you will be charged for that session. Packages are valid for a specified number of weeks. All sessions are to be completed within the timeframe. Packages may be placed on hold subject to agreement.

Contact Details

  • Northoaks Ave, Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa

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